Nice to Meet You.

Jacqueline Postajian

Despite being a native Angeleno, it was only after college that Jackie thought she should probably turn her cinephelia into a full-time gig. When she isn’t crying over a movie, she’s probably crying over a Broadway musical. When she’s not assistant-ing, she’s contemplating how to write a film as perfect as Shrek.



Greg Kleinschmidt

An SF Bay Area-born filmmaker and critic since age six, Greg has been annoying everyone around him with movie-talk for most of his life. When he’s not going through the Sight & Sound list with Jackie, you can either find him at revival screenings at the New Beverly, lounging with his wife and two cats at home in Pasadena, or sipping margaritas at El Coyote. He also runs the Arroyo Film Club.


 Scene and Heard is an official podcast of the Arroyo Film Club.

Join our weekly film club on Instagram at @arroyofilmclub